My journey started in a small, quiet place. Every day spent by the river, in the forests, and the fields. To this day, most of my favourite places from childhood remain untouched by development. Without knowing any different, I grew up learning about the intrinsic value of nature; observing the way the environment around me changed, and grew, and stayed exactly the same. I was part of the ecosystem, but I was by no means key to its function. On the other hand, I also grew up learning that I was a very important part of my community. In my community one could grow, learn, help out, be helped out, work hard, drink clean water, eat good food, and find contentment. It was easy to enjoy little details, small moments, beautiful things. Each of us were a key part of a much larger whole.
Over the years, I have traveled far and wide as we tend to do. Wherever I have went, I have always carried these lessons learned with me. Frequently, probably on a daily basis, I think back to the places and people that I have known to direct the choices I make and the projects I take on. Over the years, I've spent time working and volunteering with many organizations that promote environmental sustainability and care for the water, air, and land as stewards of the environment, mainly in rural, sometimes even remote, settings.
Each of my previous experiences has led to the next one. I've landed in Scarborough for many good reasons. As I've explored my new surroundings, I've come across an awful lot of concrete, suburban sameness, and disconnect from nature. However, I've also met many engaged and dedicated people working on exciting projects that bring nature, water conservation, and agriculture to the urban landscape. Even in the city, I can't imagine spending a day without some time connecting to the greenspace around me. I love the idea of the Greater Toronto Area as the city within a park or the living city.
This is a big, important idea that most people can really get behind. And
this is an idea that I believe in, support, and want to be a part of
right now.
Ever the optimist.
Plant the City Green.
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