Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Birds and the Bees Picnic

Once upon a time I attended the Birds and the Bees Picnic at Trinity Bellwood Park. It wasn't that long ago, but it was a time when I was ignoring my blog. Hosted by the Homegrown National Park Rangers, the picnic was held on a lovely Sunday afternoon in late July. I rode my bike from Scarborough, along the Don Valley Trail, to the Waterfront Trail, and right into the park.

Ranger Kristi spoke about local bird species that live in the park. As she was speaking about Red Shouldered Hawks, one landed in a tree beside her. Ranger Gillian and the Toronto Beekeeping Coorperative were also in attendance with their traveling display hive. Gillian had also brought along a few flats of native plants from Native Plants of Claremont.

Even though I was on two wheels, I couldn't resist taking a few plants home to add to my balcony collection. Luckily, Ranger Aiden was traveling with twine in his backpack and I managed to secure some little bluestem, butterfly milkweed, and a wild strawberry for my flourishing garden. They held on for the entire 22 km ride home.

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